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29 March 2025

Kudos to Canada - Mostly

My latest Substack post is live.

As the world continues to be impacted by decisions made by President Trump and the US it is time to acknowledge that Canada  - which often faces the brunt of the President's decisions - has been standing firm.

Kudos to Canada, but better not to get too pleased with yourselves quite yet ...

Read here.

19 March 2025

Is President Trump an Unreliable Ally?

My latest Substack post is live.

This week I've asked the question: 'Is President Trump an Unreliable Ally?'.

I've come to the conclusion that the only answer to that is, sadly, yes and we all need to come to terms with that. The President's actions are not those of a reliable ally - or someone we can depend upon.

It is now for others (the UK, Europe, Australia, Canada et al) to come together and take the traditionally US post-Second World War position of guarantor of the rules based international system.

The world has changed. Time for the rest of us to step up.

Read here.

16 March 2025

Cy Grant - A Guyanese Trailblazer: My Article in Sunday Stabroek

Today Guyana's Sunday Stabroek published my article on Cy Grant - war hero, lawyer, actor, poet and social activist.  As I have said on many occasions the story of Cy should be known more widely in his home country of Guyana.

You can read my article here, although it may be behind a firewall.

Photo courtesy of Cy's daughter Sami Moxon.

09 March 2025

Prime Minister Starmer's Betrayal of Canada

My latest Substack post is live.

It is wrong that Prime Minister Starmer failed to take the opportunity to comment on President Trump's threats to make Canada the 51st state when they met in the White House. That was cowardly, craven and pointless. There is a time and a place to stand up in support of your friends and this was one of them.

At the same time the Prime Minister is to be congratulated for his pulling together of a 'coalition of the willing' to support Ukraine. If necessary without the inclusion of the US.

Read here.

04 March 2025

Hope for Aberdeen and the North-East?

My latest Substack post is live.

Today I'm talking about how Prime Minister Starmer has made some encouraging comments about UK oil and gas recently. Words which could bode well for Aberdeen and the North-East of Scotland.

Let’s hold him to his word and see whether he really means what he said. I've made a few suggestions on what he could actually do policy wise to show that.

Read here.

28 February 2025

Why is Britain so silent on Trump's Canada threats?

On 28 February I spoke on Conversations with Ben O'Hara-Byrne at Global News Canada about why the UK has been so silent in the face of threats from President Trump.

To be honest I pulled no punches. I think this lack of comment and support for one of our closest friends is wrong and cowardly. It will not help our relationship with President Trump.

My interview starts about 5 minutes in.  Listen

27 February 2025

Realpolitik is Back Baby!

My latest Substack post is live.

Today I'm focusing on the return (if it ever went away) of Realpolitik.  Only it's now called the 'Art of the Deal' and President Trump is its chief proponent - regardless of the damage it does to the rules-based international system.

Time for the UK, Europe and the like-minded to step up to the plate and show their mettle.  There is a different way.

Read here.

13 February 2025

Appeasement in the 21st Century?

My latest Substack post is live.

Today I'm discussing Ukraine.  We must stand firm against Russia's illegal and unprovoked invasion to show President Trump and the US that the West being seen to be 'split' benefits no-one (except China and Russia).

That also means Europe stepping up and playing its part - and being seen to be doing so. There are some positive signs on this.

Appeasement didn't work in the 1930s. It certainly isn't going to work today.

Read here.

12 February 2025

A Visit to Bath University

I'm grateful to Davina Rose (an old Foreign Office colleague) for inviting me to speak to students at the School of Management at Bath University about culture and working overseas.  Lots of interesting questions and comments across a variety of issues.

12 February 2025

Greg Quinn: The UK has Ghosted Canada

Anyone who has read my pieces in The Line know I have been critical of Canada in areas such as defence and trade.  However, President Trump's tariffs and moves against Canada are not acceptable and it is time for the international community to stand with it.

Sadly my own UK has not said anything public in support of the country. That must change.  If we think saying nothing means we will escape attention we are delusional. We need to do better.

Read my latest piece here.

31 January 2025

Charismatic Captive - the Story of Cy Grant

I suspect not many people have heard of Cyril Ewart Grant (better known as Cy).  I certainly hadn’t until sometime after arriving in Guyana in 2015 as the British High Commissioner. 

In the event a chance reference from a colleague as I was researching a Remembrance Day speech led me down an amazing road of discovery.  I found the story of a man who was one of the first West Indian Officers in the RAF.  Who became the first person of African descent to appear regularly on UK television, and who later became a social activist dedicated to addressing racial inequality and encouraging multicultural understanding after the British inner-city riots of the early 1980s.

It's a fascinating story which Britain at War has published.  Find more information here or in your local newsagent.

30 January 2025

Concerns About Business Confidence in Aberdeen and the North-East

My latest blog post is now live on Substack and as usual I'm not being particularly diplomatic.

This time I'm talking about concerns around business confidence in Aberdeen and the North-East and how Westminster and Holyrood need to show they understand the real fears that exist.  As you would expect I have a few suggestions for both as to things they should do ...

Read here.

22 January 2025

Venezuela's Latest Outrageous Moves Against Guyana

Riyal Insanally, former Guyanese Ambassador to the United States and I have written a piece for Global Americans detailing the latest outrageous moves by Venezuela against Guyana and suggesting some diplomatic moves Guyana might take.


Read our piece here.

15 January 2025

The Inauguration of President Trump - An Opportunity for Aberdeen, the North East and Scotland

My latest blog post on Substack is now live.

This week I write about how the inauguration of President Trump on 20 January is an opportunity for Aberdeen, the North East and Scotland.  Especially when it comes to ensuring the economic wellbeing of the country, including on important issues such as Scotch whisky exports.

I add that the suggestion from the Scottish Green Party that Scottish Ministers should refuse to meet President Trump is both naive and plain stupid.

Read here.

09 January 2025

Greg Quinn: Brace Yourself, Canada. The Carefree Days are Over.

As we approach the inauguration of President Trump I've taken an outsider's look at what the Canada-US relationship might look like going forward.  It's not necessarily a happy read for Canadians.

As the title says: 'The Carefree Days are Over ... life is clearly about to get very real ... [and] Trump is smiling at your weakness.

Harsh maybe, but ...

Read it here.

Please note a subscription may be required to read this article.  Please do consider subscribing to The Line.

07 January 2025

How Westminster and Holyrood Continue to Damage Aberdeen and the North-East

My latest blog post on Substack is now live.

This week I talk about how the oil and gas policies of Westminster and Holyrood are continuing to damage Aberdeen and the North-East.  But they are not only risking the economies of the region - they are also risking the economy of the UK.

Read here.

07 January 2025

Guyana - Death and Disorder on the Roads: My commentary in today's Stabroek News

Today Stabroek News in Guyana has published my commentary on the horrendous level of death and destruction on the country's roads.  What is happening is shocking and can only be resolved with proper enforcement of rules and changes in behaviours by drivers.

You can read the full piece here although it may be behind a pay firewall.

01 January 2025

Throwback: Meeting Farmer Nappy in Guyana!

Let's start the year with a throwback!

I have many fantastic memories from Guyana.  But one of my favourites is meeting Farmer Nappy in Georgetown in 2019.  With thanks to NH Productions TT watch the video here on YouTube.  Good times.

19 December 2024

Insulin - A Canada-Scotland Success Story

I've been delving into the generally unknown, and surprisingly controversial, links between Scotland and Canada surrounding the discovery of insulin. 

This should be a cause of celebration for both countries and a further example of our links given the Scottish and Canadian leaders of the project won a joint Nobel Prize in 1923. 

However, it is not that simple. Read my short Substack article here.

16 December 2024

Specialist Speakers: The Speaker Bureau

Happy to announce I have now joined Specialist Speakers: The Speaker Bureau, and am available for speaking opportunities on issues such as: diplomacy; energy; conflict resolution; and leadership. I’m also a bit of an aviation geek so can talk to that as well.

See here for more information:

11 December 2024

Guyana: What a Difference a Decade Makes!

On 11 December I had the pleasure of joining Paloma Mohamed, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Guyana, in an online discussion on developments in the country a decade on from the first discovery of oil and gas.

Oil and gas is a gift to Guyana which it should use to develop infrastructure and services for its citizens.  But it should also support progress in areas that will be increasingly important in the future, e.g. agriculture and renewables.

Watch the recording of the event
here on YouTube:

10 December 2024

The Canada-UK Council Colloquium 2024 - The Benefits of Talking

I serve on the Governing Board of the Canada-UK-Council, a small group, run by volunteers, dedicated to maintaining links between our countries.

Following this year's annual colloquium in Cardiff.  I use my latest Substack post to highlight why organisations such as the CUKC are important as forums for discussions between Canada and the UK and why it is vital we continue to foster those discussions.  We may have a common history and shared values but that is not always enough to maintain links. Organisations such as CUKC provide the platforms needed to ensure they do.

Have a quick read

03 December 2024

Virtual Launch of the 7th Edition of Oil Dorado?

On 03 December I had the honour to join His Excellency Sam Hinds, ex-President of Guyana and current Guyanese Ambassador to the United States of America, and Professor Terence Yhip as we 'virtually' launched the 7th edition of Oil Dorado?, edited by John Mair and Andrew Beck.

Oil Dorado? is published by Bite Sized books and is the go-to text on Guyana's oil boom.  Available on Amazon and at all good book stores.

You can watch the launch here on Youtube.

03 December 2024

Greg Quinn: Trudeau's 'vibe bribe' will get the wrong kind of attention abroad

In the unstable world we currently find ourselves in spending money on defence, whilst not necessarily palatable to all, is vital.  Canada has long argued that the reason it cannot meet it's 2% of GDP NATO commitment is financial affordability.

But yet money appears to be available for pre-election giveaways. Many in NATO will be looking at this with some interest.

Read my short piece on this here.

Please note a subscription may be required to read this article.  Please do consider subscribing to The Line.

03 December 2024

Guyana and Aberdeen: Lessons from Both, to Both

My latest blog post on Substack is now live.

This week I talk about how energy (and not just oil and gas) and agriculture link the North-East of Scotland and Guyana.  I argue that it is time for us to make use of those links and to make the connection even stronger.

Read here.

28 November 2024

The Election of President Trump - An Opportunity for Aberdeen and the North-East.

My latest blog post is now out on Substack

This time I talk about how the election of President Trump is an opportunity for Aberdeen and the North-East and how the region must do what it can to grab it.

Read here.

20 November 2024

Guyana and Oil: Lessons from Kazakhstan?

Guyana and Kazakhstan are literally half a world apart, but there may be lessons from the latter's development of oil and gas that could help the former.

OilNOW Guyana has published some of my thoughts on this.  You can read it here.

20 November 2024

What Does President Trump's Election Mean for Aberdeen and the North-East?

Donald Trump's election as President of the United States should make the UK rethink it's approach to energy policy and the UK Continental Shelf.

For more of my thoughts on this head over to my Substack post.

18 November 2024

Guyana: What a Difference a Decade Makes

Today Demerara Waves in Guyana published an opinion piece I have written on how the country has changed over the last decade.  Spoiler alert - it has changed a lot, and generally all for the good.

You can read the full piece here.

13 November 2024

Throwback: Thoughts on Over Five Years in Guyana

Time for a throwback! Four years ago this month I gave a long, detailed (and hopefully not too rambling), interview looking back at my over 5 years as High Commissioner in Guyana. It's been fun rewatching this.

For anyone interested the interview can be found here on YouTube.

31 October 2024

Greg Quinn: Let's talk about Canada's obvious free-trade hypocrisy

The fact that Canada is essentially captured by it's diary and agricultural special interests doesn't just hurt overseas companies who want to trade here.

Read my short piece on Canada and free trade.

Please note a subscription may be required to read this article.  Please do consider subscribing to The Line.

30 October 2024

Windfall taxes and government policy: destroying Aberdeen and the north-east

As we face a budget riven with uncertainty for the UK's oil and gas industry, Energy Voice has today published my opinion piece on the impact of Government policy on Aberdeen and the North-East.  The 'just transition' doesn't feel very just and whilst climate change is real and needs to be addressed it is possible (as others, e.g. Norway, have shown) to implement change in a better way.

After over 50 years of driving economic prosperity in the UK this is not what the region (or country) deserves.

Read my piece here.

30 September 2024

Why Canada Should Ship More Natural Gas to Europe

After some 150 years the UK ended electricity generation using coal today.  As we transition to alternative fuels gas will become increasingly important in the short term.  Here is my opinion piece in Canada's Globe and Mail newspaper as to why the UK and Europe needs Canada's natural gas.

24 September 2024

Guyana and Venezuela: My commentary in today's Stabroek News, Guyana

Today Stabroek News in Guyana published a commentary I have written on Guyana and Venezuela entitled: 'Why Guyana should not appease Venezuela and Maduro'.  I've long been clear that Venezuela's claim to two-thirds of Guyana's territory is completely without merit.  As I say: 'Guyana is in the right - there is no question in my mind about that.  But being right isn't always enough.  Guyana therefore has to build a coalition of those who support it, both regionally and more broadly.'  And it needs to stand firm against those who undermine it.

You can read the full piece here although it is likely behind a pay firewall.

10 September 2024

The 6th Aberdeen-Guyana Gateway

It was a pleasure to chair the 6th Aberdeen-Guyana Gateway today.  We were joined by the High Commissioner of Guyana to the UK - His Excellency Dr Raj Singh, and over 100 delegates representing companies working in Guyana and those looking at the many opportunities.

On 09 September we also had an agriculture/aquaculture and education day which made clear there are opportunities for Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire to work with Guyana to help meet President Ali's goal of making Guyana the breadbasket of the Caribbean.  Stand by for more on that!

Photos courtesy of Abermedia Ltd.

30 August 2024

A Visit to Edinburgh for the SNP Conference

All politics is local but national politics are hugely interesting. Thus a trip to Edinburgh for this year’s SNP conference. I also had the pleasure of attending a True North event in the margins.  Bottom line - some absolutely fascinating conversations and an ongoing desire to move forward with independence.  But at the same time an understanding that the General Election gave the SNP a bloody nose and reconnection with the electorate is the immediate priority. 

28 August 2024
A visit to GlenWyvis Distillery

I had the pleasure of visiting GlenWyvis Distillery where I serve as a volunteer Director and Secretary.  The story of the distillery is unique. 

Nestled beneath the sprawling mass of Ben Wyvis mountain in the Scottish Highlands, GlenWyvis was established in 2015.  The idea was to unite the community of Dingwall through the creation of a distillery owned by local people. 
Dingwall’s last whisky distillery closed in 1926.   After a 90 year absence, GlenWyvis revived the town’s lost distilling tradition, and made its own history in 2016 by running a record-breaking open share offer.  More than 3,000 like-minded people invested in GlenWyvis to create the first ever 100% community-owned distillery.

Check out the distillery website:

09 August 2024

Greg Quinn: Canada's real problem with defence isn't measured in GDP

Canadians need to be honest, and stop pretending that they are something that they are not ... or at least, that they've recently chosen not to be.

Read my short piece on the state of Canadian defence.

Please note a subscription may be required to read this article.  Please do consider subscribing to The Line.

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